Keyword Research Plan


Maximise your online visibility and increase organic traffic for your business.

Keyword Research


Harnesses the power of cutting-edge analytics tools to identify high-performing keywords tailored to your industry, ensuring optimal visibility in search engine results for you to target.

Local SEO



Local SEO is a game-changer for businesses looking to dominate their local market. Our team we ensure that your business gets noticed by local customers when they need your services the most.

Managed SEO



Discover the power of our Managed SEO Package, where our team of search engine experts takes the reins to propel your online presence to new heights. Say goodbye to endless Google searches and hello to top rankings and increased organic traffic. Here at Out Ranked, success is just a click away with our comprehensive SEO management services.

Out Ranked Keyword Research

Out Ranked uses tried and tested keyword research methods, ensuring that you capture the most effective keywords to elevate your website’s relevance and authority in your specific market. Our strategic approach to keyword discovery is designed to deliver sustainable growth and competitive advantage in search engine rankings.

Keyword research is the foundational SEO practice of identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines. This knowledge allows you to craft content strategies that align with user intent, driving qualified traffic to your site.

Keyword research is crucial for SEO because it directs your content strategy, allowing you to understand and use the language your target audience is using. It's the process of identifying the terms and phrases that potential customers are entering into search engines. By incorporating these keywords into your website's content, you can ensure that your pages are relevant to what users are searching for, which increases the likelihood of your website ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Effective keyword research also helps you understand user intent, enabling you to tailor your content to meet the needs of your audience and match the various stages of their buying journey. Ultimately, keyword research is about visibility and relevance, two key factors that search engines consider when ranking content.

Keyword research provides a roadmap for creating content that your audience is actively seeking. It allows you to understand the topics that are of interest to your target market, the language they use to describe their problems or needs, and the type of content they prefer. With this insight, you can craft content that is highly relevant and useful, which is more likely to engage readers, earn shares, and attract backlinks—all of which are important SEO signals to search engines. Additionally, by targeting specific keywords with your content, you can fill gaps in your market, position yourself as an authority, and drive targeted traffic that's more likely to convert.

Keyword research is equally important for pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns as it is for SEO. The keywords you bid on determine the type of traffic you attract. By conducting thorough keyword research, you can identify cost-effective keywords that are most relevant to your offerings and have a high intent. This can improve your Quality Score in ad platforms like Google Ads, which can lower your cost per click (CPC) and enhance the overall performance of your ad campaigns. In essence, effective keyword research ensures that your ads are displayed to a targeted audience, leading to better click-through rates and conversions.

Yes, keyword research is an invaluable tactic for analysing your competition. By identifying which keywords your competitors are ranking for, you can gain insights into their content strategy and market focus. This analysis can reveal content gaps that you could exploit or areas where you might need to improve to stay competitive. It can also help you understand the keyword difficulty and the effort required to rank for certain terms. With this knowledge, you can develop a more informed SEO strategy that enables you to compete more effectively for online visibility.